nerf-turret 1
Infrared targeting nerf turret
This file contains code to perform a nerf turret duel. More...
Functions | |
def | main.run_motor (motor, encoder, controller) |
def | main.aim (camera) |
Variables | |
tuple | main.MEC1_tickratio = (194000/180) |
float | main.MEC1_gain = 0.7 |
tuple | main.MEC2_tickratio = (2300/100) |
float | main.MEC2_gain = 0.7 |
int | main.horiz_correction = 0 |
int | main.vert_correction = 15 |
int | main.x_fov = 55 |
int | main.y_fov = 35 |
int | main.mask_threshold = 75 |
int | main.width = 32 |
int | main.length = 24 |
float | main.angle_prescale = 0.5 |
servo_driver | main.servo = servo_driver.ServoDriver('D13', 2, 1) |
Pin | main.trigger_pin = Pin('D12', Pin.OUT_PP) |
motor_driver | main.M1 = motor_driver.MotorDriver('A10', 'B4', 'B5', 3, 1, 2) |
encoder_reader | main.E1 = encoder_reader.EncoderReader('C6', 'C7', 8, 1, 2) |
closedloopcontrol | main.C1 = closedloopcontrol.cl_loop(MEC1_gain, 0) |
motor_driver | main.M2 = motor_driver.MotorDriver('C1', 'A0', 'A1', 5, 1, 2) |
encoder_reader | main.E2 = encoder_reader.EncoderReader('B6', 'B7', 4, 1, 2) |
closedloopcontrol | main.C2 = closedloopcontrol.cl_loop(MEC2_gain, 0) |
I2C | main.i2c_bus = I2C(1) |
int | main.i2c_address = 0x33 |
mlx_cam | = mlx_cam.MLX_Cam(i2c_bus) |
int | main.ctrl_reg_val = 0b0001101110000001 |
int | main.S0_INIT = 0 |
int | main.S1_TURN180 = 1 |
int | main.S2_AIM = 2 |
int | main.S3_ADJUST = 3 |
int | main.S4_SHOOT = 4 |
int | main.S5_SAFE = 5 |
int | main.state = S0_INIT |
main.try : | |
time | main.time_start180 = time.ticks_ms() |
main.x_target_stpt | |
main.y_target_stpt | |
time | main.adjust_time = time.ticks_ms() |
main.else : | |
This file contains code to perform a nerf turret duel.