nerf-turret 1
Infrared targeting nerf turret
No Matches File Reference

RAW VERSION This version uses a stripped down MLX90640 driver which produces only raw data, not calibrated data, in order to save memory. More...


class  mlx_cam.MLX_Cam
 Class which wraps an MLX90640 thermal infrared camera driver to make it easier to grab and use an image. More...

Detailed Description

RAW VERSION This version uses a stripped down MLX90640 driver which produces only raw data, not calibrated data, in order to save memory.

This file contains a wrapper that facilitates the use of a Melexis MLX90640 thermal infrared camera for general use. The wrapper contains a class MLX_Cam whose use is greatly simplified in comparison to that of the base class, class MLX90640, by mwerezak, who has a cool fox avatar, at

To use this code, upload the directory mlx90640 from mwerezak with all its contents to the root directory of your MicroPython device, then copy this file to the root directory of the MicroPython device.

There's some test code at the bottom of this file which serves as a beginning example.

mwerezak Original files, Summer 2022
JR Ridgely Added simplified wrapper class MLX_Cam, January 2023